Trusts and foundations may face challenges in effectively distributing income for public benefit. This can stem from issues such as difficulties in appointing new trustees or administering grants effectively.

The Revitalising Trusts programme

The Charity Commission is working with UK Community Foundations to support charities who find it hard to spend their income on good causes. The programme helps charity trustees review their options.

Find out more about the Revitalising Trusts programme

Working with us

We are a trusted partner for trusts wishing to distribute funds to good causes across Cambridgeshire. Our experience, research, and community knowledge ensure funds reach their intended beneficiaries. As experienced grant-makers, we distribute funds efficiently and cost-effectively.

We offer a range of grant-making options to suit your trust. You can partner with us to support your grant-making or transfer your trust to us.

We can work with you to meet your trust’s objectives or we can guide you to amend them to meet the current challenges our community faces.

Transferring your trust to us needn’t mean giving up all involvement. We can work with you and your trustees for as long as you wish to be involved in deciding how the funds are spent in our community.

A recent trust transfer

Get in touch for a confidential discussion on how we can support your trust or foundation

Headshot of Michelle Longman against a checked white and orange curtain.

Michelle Longman | Head of Philanthropy

Email Michelle