As individuals or families, it can be challenging to decide how to achieve the greatest impact with our gifts.

We have the experience, research, and knowledge to help you support the causes you care about. We help you maximise your impact, by understanding your interests, advising on local needs, and guiding you through the options available.

The challenges of charitable trusts

Setting up your own charitable trust may seem like the most obvious option when making a charitable gift with longevity. However, managing a trust can be time consuming. There are regulatory obligations, plus the need to identify beneficiaries and to ensure funds are used responsibly. You may have to rely on family, trustees, solicitors, or executors in the years to come, to keep your trust operating effectively.

Creating an individual or family fund

Setting up a fund is a more convenient alternative to a charitable trust. We remove the paperwork associated with a trust and take care of the legal, investment, and administrative obligations. Your gifts, including legacies, can be endowed, or offered as flow-through funds, or a combination of both. The aims of the fund remain flexible. Unlike traditional trusts and foundations, they can be adjusted as time goes on to support evolving community needs.

By taking care of the administrative burden, we enable you to get involved in the more meaningful aspects of giving. You can be as involved as you wish. We provide regular updates on how your fund is making a difference. We can also support you, your family, or friends with helping to select the most suitable projects for funding, amongst other ways to get involved.

With our expert knowledge and effective systems and processes, you can be confident that your charitable gift will be responsibly and efficiently managed to achieve maximum possible impact for the causes you care about.

Find out why Diana set up the D&J Lloyd Community First Fund

In memoriam giving

Remember a loved one by making a charitable gift or setting up a fund in their name. A fund creates a lasting legacy, that can be tailored to the causes closest to your loved one’s heart.

My fund has been hugely cathartic; out of our sadness, it gave us the opportunity to help causes that my late husband would have been thrilled to support. The Foundation enabled us to give in a meaningful way and showed us projects that we didn’t know about before. It’s easy to give, but harder to make a real difference; the Foundation makes this possible.

Catherine Stewart
John Stewart Memorial Fund

Leaving a legacy

By leaving us a gift in your will, either directly or by setting up your own fund, you can be sure your legacy achieves what you wish it to.

Find out more about leaving a legacy

Get in touch to discuss how we can help you make a difference

Headshot of Michelle Longman against a checked white and orange curtain.

Michelle Longman | Head of Philanthropy

Email Michelle

Making a donation

To make a one-off donation or set up regular giving, you can donate online or through a bank transfer or cheque. If you are a UK taxpayer, you can add 20% to your donation at no extra cost to you. Simply fill in our Gift Aid form and we will claim this from the government.